Bamok Sponge Factory

Bamok Sponge Plant:


Bamok Company established Sponge Block Plant because of the demands in the market on sponge blocks in order to meet the demands in Kurdistan Region. Bamok Plant produces best quality of sponge blocks according to the local and international standards, the formal license was given to produce sponge blocks in 2017.

Bamok Plant for producing sponge blocks locates on Tanjaro Road in Sulaimaniyah / Industrial Area 2. 

The capacity of the plant is approximately (5000 square meters) of sponge blocks in various kinds

 and colours.

Bamok Plant provides some kinds of sponge blocks such as :

      -       Khafif   (12 thick)

      -       Supertany (18 thick)

      -       Super (22 thick)

      -       Star (26 thick)

      -       Deluxe  (28 thick)

      -       Royal (32 thick)